Tuesday 6 February 2007

North Queensland

State Emergency Service at Work after Cyclone
My Brother Steven racing the chainsaw.

Dad, Andrea and Chantelle at Russell Road

Innisfail Joys and Tableland Joys Climb Bartle Frere

Bartle Frere from the Top

Innisfail - Tableland Joys at the Bottom of the Climb

The walking track from the Tablelands ascends approx. 900m. Bartle Frere is 1634m above sea level and the start point is approx.700m Abv sea level. The track is about 7.5km longitudinally which makes for a 4 - 6 hour climb and 4 hour descent depending on fitness level and amount of talking on the way.

Windam Falls off the old mail track that goes to Cairns from Tablelands.
(I don't know the specs on this one.)

House that we grew up in on Topaz Road

Climb up Bartle Frere with McGregors 2005