Friday 4 May 2007

Israel Sep 2006 - May 2007

Garden Tomb

Garden Tomb shouldn't be missed if you go to Jerusalem. I looked in the tomb and there was no dead body, thats because Jesus is alive.

Garden of Gethsemane

Garden of Gethsemane was a moving experience. Jesus prayed to God the Father and said not my will but yours be done. Thanks be to God that Jesus was obedient.
Masada trip in October at the end of conference. Great view of the dead sea and they had some pretty sophisticated plumbing for the time. This is where some Jewish rebels held out against the Romans for about 3 years.

Hiking in the North with Uda from Baram and some Kibbutz members. We walked down a valley and saw the old flour mills that were powered by water.


Tabga andKfar Nahum Churches near the Galilee. We didn't get to the Church of the Beatitudes because we ran out of time due to the rain and the hitch hiking wasnt the best coming down from Baram.